Handy Post Combo

Small/standard size mailbox (6.5"W) and planter (15"L) not included

Small/standard size mailbox (6.5"W) and planter (15"L) not included

The arms are set in a perpendicular arrangement.

Small/standard size mailbox (6.5"W) and planter (15"L) not included
Dimensions The vertical post of the Handy Post Combo measures 4" x 4" x 54". The Combo has two horizontal arms. Each arm measures 5" x 5" x 24".
Two arms With two arms, the Handy Post Combo affords you more flexibility than a typical mailbox post or signpost. Each arm is installed separately and can be arranged in one of two ways: you can arrange them either in a line or perpendicular to each other.
In a line If you mount the arms in a line, you will have 18" of length on the higher arm top to work with; on the lower arm top you will have 16" of length to work with. You may mount a mailbox on one arm and a sign on the other. The choice is yours.
Perpendicular If you mount the arms perpendicular to each other, there will be 18" of length on the upper arm on which to mount a mailbox. You can also leave this arm uncapped and use it as a newspaper receptacle. Small and medium-sized mailboxes look best on a Handy Post Combo. The lower arm will have 16" of length. A Handy Post Combo is also an excellent place to secure a planter or a bird feeder, or both, in your yard.
Finial The Handy Post Combo comes with a 4" internal cap at the top of the post. You can easily replace that cap with a finial of your choice. You may find a variety of 4" finial caps at home improvement stores. We sell a traditional, white vinyl, Gothic Cap finial.
Installation If your current mailbox or signpost is secured to a wooden 4x4 post, you can either modify your post or use it as-is to install the Handy Post Combo over it. For the details of how this is done, see the Handy Post Combo installation instructions (PDF).
Warranty The Handy Post Combo comes with a Limited Lifetime Warranty. Click this link to see the Cook Products Warranty (PDF).